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Welcome to Little Oaks Pre-school a purpose built, exciting environment for 3 - 5 year olds

Our on-site Pre-school has been specially designed to provide an enchanting open space for our older little friends. Our aim is to create a class of school ready, independent children who are confident and kind friends, and become inquisitive life-long little learners.

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Our goal is that every child who flies our nest to start school does so with the self-esteem to be confident and believe in their abilities, the social skills to work together, and the confidence to ask for help if they need it. We pride ourselves on shaping little minds that share British values, knowing how to be kind and helpful, to be proud of their individuality and accepting of differences and to have an enduring excitement to discovering their world.



Our team of experienced, energetic and empathic practitioners help to make every day at Little Oaks Pre-school an adventure. Our open plan main play room is stacked with resources to ignite purposeful play ideas, and create an environment where the children take the lead in their learning. We encourage independent thinking and individual ideas through open ended questions, combined with a carefully planned curriculum which provides opportunity to teach new skills in such a way that they barely know they're learning!

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Flower Composition

At Little Oaks pre-school we understand the importance of outside play as an integral part of healthy development. Our specially designed gardens provide all-year-round learning opportunities for our 3-5 year olds with separate zones equipped ready for all learning to be taken outside whatever the weather. We have our open lawns with fruit trees and composting areas which doubles up as a safe place to use the larger equipment, a walk-in sand pit and dinosaur/mud pit, as well as outdoor covered dining areas builders site and growing areas where the children can nurture and pick their own fruit and vegetables.  Alongside the main entrance to pre-school we have a free-flow area where we can enjoy table-topped activities, reading nooks and afternoon tea

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